Author: Bert Botta

Everyday Heroes podcast series goes live tomorrow, Tuesday 9/8! Here’s my intro where you can SUBSCRIBE to my Everyday Heroes podcast series but you’ll want to check out the first two ever of the podcast series, beginning at 9 am, tomorrow morning, 9/8/20. These first two are very special interviews, the first one is […]

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The Legacy Process: Your Story Needs to be Told! The Legacy Process We all know guys don’t talk about ourselves right!?  Generally speaking we’re pretty tight-lipped about our lives, our accomplishments, the stuff that we’re really good at, our failures, pretty much everything that our loved ones want to know about us.  I call this […]

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How to Improve Your Chances of Staying Alive! This is an interview I did a couple of years ago that’s still relevant. It talks about the powerful impact of having emotionally and spiritually healthy men in your life. It kicks in around 08:00 and gets rolling around 09:00.

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